Tagasi otsingusse
Keller & Fedonkin, 1977

New organic fossil finds in the Precambrian Valday series along the Syuz'ma River

Keller, B., Fedonkin, M.
AjakiriInternational Geology Review
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


New species of organic fossils are described from the Precambrian Valday series on the Onega peninsula. This ancient Precambrian faunal locality was discovered in 1973; the first fossils described from it were pteridinians, assigned somewhat tentatively to the species Pteridinium simplex Gürich (AN SSSR, Izvestiya ser. geol., no. 12, 1974). The present article describes scyphomedusas assigned to a new genus and species (Albumares brunsae Fedonkin), typical Pteridinium simplex Gürich, Dickinsonia costata Sprigg, and new arthropod genera and species — Onega stepanovi Fedonkin and Vendomia menneri Keller. The species assemblage found shows that the Valday series on the Onega peninsula is of the same age as the Pound sandstones of Ediacara province in Australia

Viimati muudetud: 2.12.2021
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