Tagasi otsingusse
De Weirdt et al., 2019

Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Rheidol Gorge Section, Central Wales, UK: a GSSP replacement candidate for the Rhuddanian–Aeronian boundary

De Weirdt, J., Vandenbroucke, T. R. A., Cocq, J., Russell, C., Davies, J. R., Melchin, M., Zalasiewicz, J.
AjakiriPapers in Palaeontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


As part of an international effort to evaluate potential replacement sections for the current Aeronian GSSP, the stratigraphy of the Rheidol Gorge section (central Wales, UK) is being restudied. A total of 28 samples from the Rhuddanian–Aeronian boundary interval at Rheidol Gorge were studied for chitinozoans. This famous Welsh Basin section, its stratigraphy rooted in the work of O.T. Jones and M. Sudbury, comprises a series of laminated black shales with abundant graptolites, alternating with grey mudstone intervals, deposited in anoxic to dysoxic/oxic seafloor conditions, respectively. The exposed section of c. 20 m spans the middle part of the upper Rhuddanian Pernerograptus revolutus Biozone through the lower Aeronian Neodiplograptus magnus Biozone of the lower to mid-Llandovery Series (Cwmere and Derwenlas formations). Our chitinozoan analysis yielded an assemblage of over 2300 specimens distributed approximately uniformly throughout the entire succession. A total of 16 different taxa are identified, of which 12 remain in open nomenclature, reflecting the poor to moderately intact preservation of the specimens. Based on the presence of key species such as Spinachitina maennili and Conochitina iklaensis, the Rheidol Gorge section is referred to the Spinachitina maennili Biozone. This observation is in perfect alignment with the typical signature of other Rhuddanian–Aeronian boundary successions in the Welsh Basin and in other parts of the world.

Viimati muudetud: 13.9.2020
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