
12 tulemust
Oceanic anoxia and extinction in the latest Ordovician
Liu, M., Chen, D., Jiang, L., Stockey, R. G., Aseal, D., Zhang, B., Liu, K., Yang, X., Yan, D., Planavsky, N. J.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Aasta: 2022 | Köide: 588 | Leheküljed: 117553 | artikkel ajakirjas
Stable ocean redox during the main phase of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
del Rey, Á., Rasmussen, C. M. Ø., Calner, M., Wu, R., Asael, D., Dahl, T. W.
Communications Earth & Environment
Aasta: 2022 | Köide: 3 | artikkel ajakirjas
Marine redox conditions during deposition of Late Ordovician and Early Silurian organic-rich mudrocks in the Siljan ring district, central Sweden
Lu, X., Kendall, B., Stein, H. J., Li, C., Hannah, J. L., Gordon, G. W., Ebbestad, J. O. R.
Chemical Geology
Aasta: 2017 | Köide: 457 | Leheküljed: 75-94 | artikkel ajakirjas
Isotope systematics of albitite-type uranium deposits, the Central Ukrainian Uranium Province
Shumlyanskyy, L.; Cuney, M., Billström, K., Mikhalchenko, I.. Soesoo, A.
Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of Uranium and Thorium deposits. Final report of a coordinated research project. IAEA-TECDOC-1929
Aasta: 2020 | Leheküljed: 147-160 | artikkel kogumikus
Sulfidic anoxia in the oceans during the Late Ordovician mass extinctions – insights from molybdenum and uranium isotopic global redox proxies
Dahl, T. W., Hammarlund, E. U., Rasmussen, C. M. Ø., Bond, D. P., Canfield, D. E.
Earth-Science Reviews
Aasta: 2021 | Köide: 220 | Leheküljed: 103748 | artikkel ajakirjas
Untangling the diagenetic history of uranium isotopes in marine carbonates: A case study tracing the δ238U composition of late Silurian oceans using calcitic brachiopod shells
del Rey, Á., Havsteen, J. C., Bizzarro, M., Dahl, T. W.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 287 | Leheküljed: 93-110 | artikkel ajakirjas
Heaviest Precambrian Shale U Isotopes to Date: Oxygenation in the ~2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Russia
Mänd, K., Lalonde, S. V., Robbins, L. J., Thoby, M., Paiste, K., Kreitsmann, T., Paiste, P., Reinhard, C. T., Romashkin, A., Planavsky, N., Kirsimäe, K., Lepland, A., Konhauser, K.
Aasta: 2020 | abstrakt
The application of physical methods to investigate dictionema shale organic matter in Leningrad region
Suhanov, A., Sergejev, V., Valiev, F., Makarova, I., Jafjasov, A.
Bulletin of the St. Petersburg University
Aasta: 2014 | Köide: 1 | Leheküljed: 13-19 | artikkel ajakirjas
The detection of the markedly depleted in U-234 Dictyoneme shale component
Bogdanov, R., Ozernaja, S., Pihlak, A., Lippmaa, E.
Aasta: 1994 | Köide: 11 | Leheküljed: 1626-1632 | artikkel ajakirjas
Isotopic abundance of uranium(IV) and uranium(VI) species in leachants of graptolitic argillites
Bogdanov, R., Lippmaa, E., Ozernaja, S., Pihlak, A.-T.
Oil Shale
Aasta: 1991 | Köide: 8 | Leheküljed: 125-131 | artikkel ajakirjas
Radiogenic uranium-234 in humus acids of graptolitic argillite
Bogdanov, R., Ozernaya, S., Pihlak, A.-T., Timofeev, S.
Oil Shale
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 24 | Leheküljed: 73-89 | artikkel ajakirjas
Calibrating Rates of Early Cambrian Evolution
Bowring, S. A., Grotzinger, J. P., Isachsen, C. E., Knoll, A. H., Pelechaty, S. M., Kolosov, P.
Aasta: 1993 | Köide: 261 | Leheküljed: 1293-1298 | artikkel ajakirjas
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