
27 tulemust
Dmitri Kvasov, the Forgotten Eminent Encyclopaedist, and Palaeolimnology
Raukas, A.
Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
Aasta: 2019 | Köide: 7 | Leheküljed: 109-120 | artikkel ajakirjas
Palaeolimnological and limnogeochemical features in the sedimentary record of the polluted Lake Lippajärvi in Southern Finland
Vuorinen, A., Alhonen, P., Suksi, J.
Environmental Pollution
Aasta: 1986 | Köide: 41 | Leheküljed: 323-362 | artikkel ajakirjas
Diatomovye vodorosli - indikatory prirodnyh uslovij vodoemov v golocene
Davydova, N. N.
Aasta: 1985 | Leheküljed: 1 - 243 | raamat (tervik)
Changes in the lake sediment composition caused by short-term water-level fluctuation
Vaasma, T., Terasmaa, J., Vandel, E., Vainu, M., Koff, T.
Water resources and wetlands. Conference proceedings. 2nd International Conference 11-13 September, 2014, Tulcea, Romania
Aasta: 2014 | Leheküljed: 197-203 | artikkel kogumikus
Istoriâ Ladožskogo, Onežskogo, Pskovsko-Čudskogo ozer, Bajkala i Hanki
Kvasov, D. D., Koshechkin, A. V., Amantov, A. V.
Aasta: 1990 | Leheküljed: 1-279 | raamat (tervik)
Similar and different features in the palaeolimnology of two connected shallow large lakes over the last 100 years (north-eastern Europe)
Leeben, A., Alliksaar, T., Heinsalu, A., Freiberg, R., Lepane, V., Tõnno, I.
Programs and Abstracts: The 7th International Shallow Lake Conference: Conservation, Management and Restoration of Shallow Lake Ecosystems Facing Multiple Stressors,Wuxi, China, April 24-28
Aasta: 2011 | Leheküljed: 115-116 | abstrakt
Assesing the impact of land-use change and pollution on the water quality of a small lake: a palaeolimnological study
Leeben, A., Alliksaar, T., Nauts, K., Heinsalu, A., Laugaste, R.
The 5th International Scientific Conference on Water, Climate and Environment BALWOIS: Ohrid, Macedonia, May 28 - June 2
Aasta: 2012 | abstrakt
Problemy paleolimnologii na XI kongresse INKVA
Raukas, A.
XI Kongress INKVA: itogi i perspektivy. Materialy sekcij i simpoziumov, Moskva, 1982
Aasta: 1985 | Leheküljed: 103-107 | artikkel kogumikus
Linking diatom community dynamics to changes in terrestrial vegetation: a palaeolimnological case study of Lake Ķūži, Vidzeme Heights (Central Latvia)
Puusepp, L., Kangur, M.
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Aasta: 2010 | Köide: 59 | Leheküljed: 259-280 | artikkel ajakirjas
Application of Radiocarbon Method to Paleolimnological Investigations in the Baltic Area
Liiva, A.
II International Symposium on Paleolimnology: Abstracts, Poland
Aasta: 1976 | Leheküljed: 72-73 | abstrakt
Paleolimnoloogia labor
Alliksaar, T.
Geoloogia Instituudi kuuskümmend viis aastat
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 79-80 | artikkel kogumikus
Sedimentary carbon forms in relation to climate and phytoplankton biomass in a large, shallow, hard-water boreal lake
Ehapalu, K., Tõnno, I., Reitalu, T., Alliksaar, T., Liiv, M., Freiberg, R., Nõges, P.
Journal of Paleolimnology
Aasta: 2017 | Köide: 57 | Leheküljed: 81-93 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ecological response of a shallow boreal lake to biomanipulation and catchment land-use: integrating paleolimnological evidence with information from limnological surveys and maps
Marzecová, A., Avi, E., Mikomägi, A., Koff, T.
Journal of Paleolimnology
Aasta: 2017 | Köide: 57 | Leheküljed: 1-18 | artikkel ajakirjas
Spatial distribution of macrofossil assemblages in surface sediments of two small lakes in Estonia
Koff, T., Vandel, E.
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Aasta: 2008 | Köide: 57 | Leheküljed: 5-20 | artikkel ajakirjas
Natural and human-induced environmental changes in Eastern Europe during the Holocene: a multi-proxy palaeolimnological study of a small Latvian lake in a humid temperate zone
Terasmaa, J., Puusepp, L., Marzecová, A., Vandel, E., Vaasma, T., Koff, T.
Journal of Paleolimnology
Aasta: 2013 | Köide: 49 | Leheküljed: 663-678 | artikkel ajakirjas
Drastic changes in lake ecosystem development as a consequence of flax retting: a multiproxy palaeolimnological study of Lake Kooraste Linajärv, Estonia
Liiv, M., Alliksaar, T., Freiberg, R., Heinsalu, A., Ott, I., Reitalu, T., Tõnno, I., Vassiljev, J., Veski, S.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 27 | Leheküljed: 437-451 | artikkel ajakirjas
A 10,000 year record of sediment pore-water dissolved organic matter characteristics from Lake Peipsi as revealed by HPSEC
Makarõtševa, N., Lepane, V., Alliksaar, T., Heinsalu, A.
Chemistry and Ecology
Aasta: 2010 | Köide: 26 | Leheküljed: 13-24 | artikkel ajakirjas
Recent paleolimnological changes in small carbonate rich hypertrophic lake
Mikomägi, A., Martma, T., Marzecova, A.
Central European Geology
Isotope Workshop XI, 4th–8th July 2011, Budapest, Hungary
Aasta: 2011 | Köide: 54 | Leheküljed: 44-44 | abstrakt
A comparison of the palaeolimnology of Peipsi and Võrtsjärv: connected shallow lakes in north-eastern Europe for the twentieth century, especially in relation to eutrophication progression and water-level fluctuations
Leeben, A., Freiberg, R., Tõnno, I., Kõiv, T., Alliksaar, T., Heinsalu, A.
Aasta: 2013 | Köide: 710 | Leheküljed: 227-240 | artikkel ajakirjas
Reconstruction of past water quality for shallow hypereutrophic Lake Harku, Tallinn, Estonia using paleolimnological analysis
Heinsalu, A., Leeben, A., Salujõe, J., Veski, S.
Book of Abstracts. The 5th International Conference on Shallow Lakes, 5-9 June 2005, Dalfsen, The Netherlands
Aasta: 2005 | Leheküljed: 79-80 | abstrakt
Diatom assemblages in sediments of Lake Juusa, Southern Estonia with an assessment of their habitat
Punning, J., Puusepp, L.
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 586 | Leheküljed: 27-41 | artikkel ajakirjas
A paleolimnological assessment of recent eutrophication history on large inland water body, Lake Peipsi, Estonia
Nõges, T., Alliksaar, T., Heinsalu, A., Nõges, P.
Book of Abstracts. Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
Aasta: 2004 | Leheküljed: 231-231 | abstrakt
Recent eutrophication history of Lake Peipsi, Estonia: a paleolimnological evidence
Heinsalu, A., Alliksaar, A., Nõges, P., Nõges, T., Salujõe, J.
9th International Paleolimnology Symposium, August 24-28, 2003 Espoo, Finland, Abstract volume
Aasta: 2003 | Leheküljed: 213-213 | abstrakt
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