
6 tulemust
Did middle Wisconsin, middle Weichselian, and their equivalents represent an interglacial or an interstadial complex in the Northern Hemisphere?
Dreimanis, A., Raukas, A.
9th INQUA Congress. Abstracts
Aasta: 1973 | Leheküljed: 84-85 | abstrakt
Climatic variability in the Northern Hemisphere during the last glaciation, and diachronism in its palaeoglaciologic record
Raukas, A., Dreimanis, A.
25th International Geological Congress, Abstracts, v. 2, Section 12. Quaternary geology
Aasta: 1976 | Leheküljed: 509-509 | abstrakt
Èvolûciâ golocenovogo oledeneniâ v severnom polušarii
Punning, J.-M.
Rol' lednikov i lednikovyh pokrovov v formirovanii prirodnyh uslovij polârnyh i gornuh stran: tez. dokladov vsesoûz. školy-seminara. Nal'čik
Aasta: 1983 | Leheküljed: 19-19 | abstrakt
Report of 1st discussion group: The last interglacial in high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere: Terrestrial and marine evidence
Anderson, P., Borisova, O., de Beaulieu, J.-L., ...Miller, G., Raukas, A., Reeh, N...Turner, C., Velichko, A., Ward, B.
Quaternary International
Aasta: 1991 | Köide: 10-12 | Leheküljed: 9-28 | artikkel ajakirjas
Did Middle Wisconsin, Middle Weichselian, and their Equivalents Represent an Interglacial or Interstadial Complex in the Northern Hemisphere?
Dreimanis, A., Raukas, A.
Quaternary Studies. Selected Papers from IX INQUA Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2–10 December 1973
Aasta: 1975 | Leheküljed: 109-120 | artikkel kogumikus
Problemy plejstocenovogo oledeneniâ Severnogo polušariâ
Punning, J.-M., Raukas, A.
Akademiâ Nauk Èstonskoj SSR v 1973-1979
Aasta: 1981 | Leheküljed: 151-158 | artikkel kogumikus
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