
6 tulemust
Dynamics of dyke intrusion in the northern volcanic rift zone of Iceland
White, R. S., Key, A. J., Soosalu, H., Jakobsdóttir, S. S.
Magmatic Rifting & Active Volcanism Conference, Afar Rift Consortium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11.-13.1.2012
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 81-81 | abstrakt
Dynamics of dyke intrusion in the mid-crust of Iceland
White, R. S., Drew, J., Martens, H. R., Key, J., Soosalu, H., Jakobsdóttir, S. S.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Aasta: 2011 | Köide: 304 | Leheküljed: 300-312 | artikkel ajakirjas
Hindered settling and the formation of layered intrusions
Bons, P. D., Baur, A., Elburg, M. A., Lindhuber, M. J., Marks, M. A., Soesoo, A., van Milligen, B. P., Walte, N. P.
EGU General Assembly 2015, held 12-17 April, 2015 in Vienna, Austria. Abstracts
Aasta: 2015 | Köide: 43 | Leheküljed: 6175-6175 | abstrakt
Strike-slip faulting during the 2014 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun dike intrusion, central Iceland
Ágústsdóttir, T., Woods, J., Greenfield, T., Green, R. G., White, R. S., Winder, T., Brandsdóttir, B., Steinthórsson, S., Soosalu, H.
Geophysical Research Letters
Aasta: 2016 | Köide: 43 | Leheküljed: 1495-1503 | artikkel ajakirjas
Dynamics of lower crustal intrusion at volcanic rifts
White, R. S., Drew, J., Martens, H. R., Key, J., Soosalu, H., Jakobsdóttir, S. S.
Volcanic & Magmatic Studies Group, Annual Meeting, Cambridge, U.K., 5-7 January
Aasta: 2011 | Leheküljed: A4 | abstrakt
Anatomy of melt intrusion at 15-18 km depth beneath Upptyppingar, Iceland
White, R. S., Drew, J., Soosalu, H., Key, J., Nowacki, A., Jakobsdóttir, S.
European Seismological Commission workshop, Seismic phenomena associated with volcanic activity, Azores, Portugal, 14.-20.09.2009
Aasta: 2009 | abstrakt
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