
54 tulemust
Late Ordovician and early Silurian virgianid and stricklandioid brachiopods from North Greenland: implications for a warm‐water faunal province
Jin, J., Rasmussen, C. M. Ø., Sheehan, P. M., Harper, D. A. T.
Papers in Palaeontology
Aasta: 2024 | Köide: 10 | artikkel ajakirjas
Body size changes in bivalves of the family Limidae in the aftermath of the end‐Triassic mass extinction: the Brobdingnag effect
Atkinson, J. W., Wignall, P. B., Morton, J. D., Aze, T.
Aasta: 2019 | Köide: 62 | Leheküljed: 561-582 | artikkel ajakirjas
The giants of the phylum Brachiopoda: a matter of diet?
Angiolini, L., Crippa, G., Azmy, K., Capitani, G., Confalonieri, G., Della Porta, G., Griesshaber, E., Harper, D. A. T., Leng, M. J., Nolan, L., Orlandi, M., Posenato, R., Schmahl, W. W., Banks, V. J., Stephenson, M. H.
Aasta: 2019 | Köide: 62 | Leheküljed: 889-917 | artikkel ajakirjas
Faunal change across the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction boundary on Anticosti Island, E Canada
Copper, P.
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 38
Aasta: 2006 | Leheküljed: 403 | abstrakt
Widespread reductions in body size are paired with stable assemblage biomass
Martins, I. S., Schrodt, F., Blowes, S. A., Bates, A. E., Bjorkman, A. D., Brambilla, V., Carvajal-Quintero, J., Chow, C. F. Y., Daskalova, G. N., Edwards, K., Eisenhauer, N., Field, R., Fontrodona-Eslava, A., Henn, J. J., van Klink, R., Madin, J. S., Magurran, A. E., McWilliam, M., Moyes, F., Pugh, B., Sagouis, A., Trindade-Santos, I., McGill, B., Chase, J. M., Dornelas, M.
Aasta: 2023 | preprint (artikkel digiarhiivis)
Reduced strength and increased variability of extinction selectivity during mass extinctions
Monarrez, P. M., Heim, N. A., Payne, J. L.
Royal Society Open Science
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 10 | artikkel ajakirjas
An oversized, late-surviving reticulosan sponge from the Carboniferous of Ireland
Botting, J. P., Muir, L. A., Doyle, E.
Aasta: 2023 | artikkel ajakirjas
Colonial coral resilience by decreasing size: reaction to increased detrital influx during onset of the late Palaeozoic Ice Age
Yao, L., Lin, W., Aretz, M., Bottjer, D. J., Wang, X.
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 290 | artikkel ajakirjas
Trilobite size‐frequency distributions, recognition of instars, and phyletic size changes
Sheldon, P. R.
Aasta: 1988 | Köide: 21 | Leheküljed: 293-306 | artikkel ajakirjas
Post-embryonic development of the Furongian (late Cambrian) trilobite Tsinania canens: implications for life mode and phylogeny
Park, T., Choi, D. K.
Evolution & Development
Aasta: 2009 | Köide: 11 | Leheküljed: 441-455 | artikkel ajakirjas
Exceptions to the temperature–size rule: no Lilliput Effect in end Permian ostracods (Crustacea) from Aras Valley (northwest Iran)
Nätscher, P. S., Gliwa, J., De Baets, K., Ghaderi, A., Korn, D.
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 66 | artikkel ajakirjas
Patterns and processes in the history of body size in turritelline gastropods, Jurassic to Recent
Pietsch, C., Gigliotti, M., Anderson, B. M., Allmon, W. D.
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 49 | Leheküljed: 621-641 | artikkel ajakirjas
Northernmost (Subarctic) and deepest record of Paleodictyon: paleoecological and biological implications
Miguez-Salas, O., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. J., Ekdale, A. A., Kaiser, S., Brandt, A., Gooday, A. J.
Scientific Reports
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 13 | Leheküljed: Article number: 7181 | artikkel ajakirjas
The role of mass extinction events in shaping the body-size dynamics of fossil crinoids
Salamon, M. A., Brachaniec, T., Paszcza, K., Kołbuk, D., Gorzelak, P.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 622 | Leheküljed: 111593 | artikkel ajakirjas
Large-sized Late Turonian–Early Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) inoceramid bivalves from Germany: taxonomic issues, temporal framework and palaeoecological implications
Niebuhr, B., Wilmsen, M.
Paläontologische Zeitschrift
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 97 | Leheküljed: 217-243 | artikkel ajakirjas
Reconsidering the Oxygen–Temperature Hypothesis of Polar Gigantism: Successes, Failures, and Nuance
Woods, H. A., Moran, A. L.
Integrative and Comparative Biology
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 60 | Leheküljed: 1438-1453 | artikkel ajakirjas
Postmortem durability and population dynamics affecting the fidelity of brachiopod size-frequency distributions
Tomašových, A.
Aasta: 2004 | Köide: 19 | Leheküljed: 477–496 | artikkel ajakirjas
The old and the new plankton: ecological replacement of associations of mollusc plankton and giant filter feeders after the Cretaceous?
Tajika, A., Nützel, A., Klug, C.
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 6 | Leheküljed: e4219 | artikkel ajakirjas
Large trilobites in a stress-free Early Ordovician environment
Saleh, F., Vidal, M., Laibl, L., Sansjofre, P., Gueriau, P., Pérez-Peris, F., Lustri, L., Lucas, V., Lefebvre, B., Pittet, B., El Hariri, K., Daley, A. C.
Geological Magazine
Aasta: 2021 | Köide: 158 | Leheküljed: 261-270 | artikkel ajakirjas
Environmental determinants of latitudinal size-trends in cephalopods
Rosa, R., Gonzalez, L., Dierssen, H., Seibel, B.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Aasta: 2012 | Köide: 464 | Leheküljed: 153-165 | artikkel ajakirjas
Mechanisms and drivers of belemnite body-size dynamics across the Pliensbachian–Toarcian crisis
Rita, P., Nätscher, P., Duarte, L. V., Weis, R., De Baets, K.
Royal Society Open Science
Aasta: 2019 | Köide: 6 | Leheküljed: 190494 | artikkel ajakirjas
Bivalve body-size distribution through the Late Triassic mass extinction event:
Opazo, L., Twitchett, R.
Aasta: 2022 | Köide: 48 | Leheküljed: 420–445 | artikkel ajakirjas
Climate warming and ectotherm body size - from individual physiology to community ecology
Ohlberger, J.
Functional Ecology
Aasta: 2013 | Köide: 27 | Leheküljed: 991-1001 | artikkel ajakirjas
20th century increase in body size of a hypoxia-tolerant bivalve documented by sediment cores from the northern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste)
Fuksi, T., Tomašových, A., Gallmetzer, I., Haselmair, A., Zuschin, M.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 135 | Leheküljed: 361-375 | artikkel ajakirjas
Evolutionary and ecophenotypic controls on bivalve body size distributions following the end-Permian mass extinction
Foster, W.J., Gliwa, J., Lembke, C., Pugh, A. C., Hofmann, R., Tietje, M., Varela, S., Foster, L. C., Korn, D., Aberhan, M.
Global and Planetary Change
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 185 | Leheküljed: 103088 | artikkel ajakirjas
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