
29 tulemust
Large, unwebbed bird and bird‐like footprints from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: a review of ichnotaxonomy and trackmaker affinity
Lockley, M. G., Abbassi, N., Helm, C. W.
Aasta: 2021 | Köide: 54 | Leheküljed: 969-987 | artikkel ajakirjas
Uvaichnites riojana: A new crane-like bird ichnotaxon from the lower Miocene of La Rioja (Ebro Basin, Spain)
Díaz-Martínez, I., Hernández, J. M., García Fernández, S., Murelaga, X., Pérez-Lorente, F.
Proceedings of the Geologists Association
Aasta: 2012 | Köide: 123 | Leheküljed: 464-470 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ichnotaxonomy of bird-like footprints: an example from the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic of northwest Argentina
De Valais, S., Melchor, R. N.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Aasta: 2008 | Köide: 28 | Leheküljed: 145-159 | artikkel ajakirjas
Bird footprints from the Gething Formation (Aptian, Lower Cretaceous) of northeastern British Columbia, Canada
Currie, P. J.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Aasta: 1981 | Köide: 1 | Leheküljed: 257-264 | artikkel ajakirjas
The oldest evidence for birds in Northern Gondwana? Small tridactyl footprints from the Middle Jurassic of Msemrir (Morocco)
Belvedere, M., Dyke, G., Hadri, M., Ishigaki, S.
Gondwana Research
Aasta: 2011 | Köide: 19 | Leheküljed: 542-549 | artikkel ajakirjas
First report of the ichnogenus Magnoavipes from China: New discovery from the Lower Cretaceous inter-mountain basin of Shangzhou, Shaanxi Province, central China
Matsukawa, M., Lockley, M. G., Hayashi, K., Korai, K., Peiji, C., Haichun, Z.
Cretaceous Research
Aasta: 2014 | Köide: 47 | Leheküljed: 131-139 | artikkel ajakirjas
Evaluation of Iranipeda abeli (Avian track) from the Zagros Mountains, SW Iran: re-examination of the original material and overview of primary sources
Abbassi, N., Gasparik, M., Kordos, L., Esmaeili, F.
Historical Biology
Aasta: 2023 | Leheküljed: 1-10 | artikkel ajakirjas
On fossil tracks of birds from the Pliocene of Iran, ascribed to the genus Urmiornis
Vialov, O. S.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Aasta: 1989 | Köide: 1989 | Leheküljed: 120-121 | artikkel ajakirjas
Description of bird tracks from the Kitadani Formation (Aptian), Katsuyama, Fukui, Japan with three-dimensional imaging techniques
Imai, T., Tsukiji, Y., Azuma, Y.
Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 18 | Leheküljed: 1-8 | artikkel ajakirjas
The Role of Microbial Mats in the Preservation of Bird Footprints: A Case Study from the Mesotidal Bahia Blanca Estuary (Argentina)
Carmona, N., Bournod, C., Ponce, J. J., Cuadrado, D.
SEPM Special Publication
Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems Through Time
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 37-45 | artikkel kogumikus
Tracking Late Jurassic ornithopods in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): ichnotaxonomic implications
Castanera, D., Silva, B., Santos, V., Malafaia, E., Belvedere, M.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 65 | Leheküljed: 399-412 | artikkel ajakirjas
New Eocene Mammal and Bird Footprints from Birjand Area, Eastern Iran
Ataabadi, M. M., Khazaee, A. R.
Aasta: 2004 | Köide: 11 | Leheküljed: 363-370 | artikkel ajakirjas
Footprints of Giant Birds from the Upper Eocene of the Paris Basin: An Ichnological Enigma
Buffetaut, E.
Aasta: 2004 | Köide: 11 | Leheküljed: 357-362 | artikkel ajakirjas
Eocene Bird and Mammal Tracks from the Karaj Formation, Tarom Mountains, Northwestern Iran
Abbassi, N., Lockley, M. G.
Aasta: 2004 | Köide: 11 | Leheküljed: 349-356 | artikkel ajakirjas
Los Cayos Dinosaur Tracksite: An Overview on the Lower Cretaceous Ichno-Diversity of the Cameros Basin (Cornago, La Rioja Province, Spain)
Moratalla, J. J., Hernan, J., Jimenez, S.
Aasta: 2003 | Köide: 10 | Leheküljed: 229-240 | artikkel ajakirjas
Bird footprints from the Miocene of California
Sarjeant, W. A. S., Reynolds, R. E.
The Changing Face of the East Mojave Desert. California State University and Western Center for Archeology and Paleontology
Aasta: 2001 | Leheküljed: 21–40 | artikkel kogumikus
New ichnotaxa of bird and mammal footprints from the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Gates Formation of Alberta
McCrea, R. T., Sarjeant, W. A. S
Mesozoic Vertebrate Life: New Research Inspired by the Paleontology of Philip J. Currie
Aasta: 2001 | Leheküljed: 453–478 | artikkel kogumikus
Flamingo and duck‐like bird tracks from the Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary: Evidence and implications
Yang, S., Lockley, M. G., Greben, R., Erickson, B. R., Lim, S.
Aasta: 1995 | Köide: 4 | Leheküljed: 21-34 | artikkel ajakirjas
Feeding traces and bioturbation by birds on a tidal flat, Dutch Wadden Sea
Cadée, G. C.
Aasta: 1990 | Köide: 1 | Leheküljed: 23-30 | artikkel ajakirjas
Crossing Slopes: Unusual Trackways of Recent Birds and Implications for Tetrapod Footprint Preservation
Razzolini, N. L., Klein, H.
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 25 | Leheküljed: 252-259 | artikkel ajakirjas
Trackway of a Disabled Seabird
Wetzel, A.
Aasta: 2019 | Köide: 26 | Leheküljed: 80-84 | artikkel ajakirjas
Avian diversity and behavior in an Eocene coastal plain, Svalbard: the ichnological evidence
Melchor, R. N., Uchman, A., Steel, R. J.
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 27 | Leheküljed: 334-343 | artikkel ajakirjas
Birds as producers of shell fragmentsin the Wadden Sea, in particular the role of the Herring gull
Cadée, G. C.
Aasta: 1995 | Köide: 28 | Leheküljed: 77-85 | artikkel ajakirjas
Eider, shelduck, and other predators, the main producers of shell fragments in the Wadden Sea, palaeoecological implications
Cadée, G. C.
Aasta: 1994 | Köide: 31 | Leheküljed: 181 – 202 | artikkel ajakirjas
Descriptions of new genera and species of fossils from the Lower Silurian about Cincinnati
Ulrich, E. O.
Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History
Aasta: 1879 | Köide: 2 | Leheküljed: 8-30 | artikkel ajakirjas
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