Virtuaalne kirjanduse kogumik

Volli Kalm (1953-2017), bibliograafia

Mare Isakar



Kogumik sisaldab Volli Kalmu publikatsioone. Ta on avaldanud uurimusi Eesti liustikusette litoloogia ja stratigraafia, savide ja arheoloogilise keraamika mineraloogia ning Baltikumi, Skandinaavia ja Andide jäätumise paleogeograafia alalt.

Kogumiku artiklid

165 tulemust
Introduction to Estonian geology
Kalm, V., Kirs, J., Puura, I.
Environmental history of the Baltic Region. PACT course in Estonia 1993. Excursion Guide
Aasta: 1993 | Leheküljed: 4-13 | artikkel kogumikus
Challenges in geological research in Estonia
Meidla, T., Kalm, V., Kirsimäe, K., Vaikmäe, R.
Research in Estonia: present and futuure
Aasta: 2011 | Leheküljed: 368-384 | artikkel kogumikus
Paleosols and Andean uplift in Venezuela: assessing competing hypotheses of relict tropical soils versus paleohydrogeochemical variations
Mahaney, W., Milner, M., Bezada, M., Kalm, V., Hancock, R.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Aasta: 2002 | Köide: 15 | Leheküljed: 525-542 | artikkel ajakirjas
Low-temperature diagenetic illite-smectite in Lower Cambrian clays in North Estonia
Kirsimäe, K., Jorgensen, P., Kalm, V.
Clay Minerals Group Golden Jubilee Meeting - Clay Mineralogy - Past, Present and Future
Aasta: 1997 | Leheküljed: 17-17 | abstrakt
Illite in the Baltic Sea sediments of the northwestern coast of Estonia: a record of environmental changes
Kalm, V., Lutt, J.
Aasta: 1999 | Köide: 7 | Leheküljed: 45-53 | artikkel kogumikus
Stratigraphy of glacial deposits on Sõrve Peninsula, Saaremaa Island, western Estonia
Kadastik, E., Kalm, V.
Field Symposium on Quaternary Geology of Denmark, August 29 - September 3, 2000. Abstracts of Papers and Posters
Aasta: 2000 | Leheküljed: 22-23 | abstrakt
Kliimamuutused eri ajaskaalades
Kalm, V.
Aasta: 2009 | Leheküljed: 38-41 | artikkel ajakirjas
Chemistry, mineralogy and microbiology of termite mound soil eaten by the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains, Western Tanzania
Mahaney, W. C., Zippin, J., Milner, M. W., Sanmugadas, K., Hancock, R. G. V., Aufreiter, S., Campbell, S., Huffman, M. A., Wink, M., Malloch, D., Kalm, V.
Journal of Tropical Ecology
Aasta: 1999 | Köide: 15 | Leheküljed: 565-588 | artikkel ajakirjas
Measuring the Impact of Land Degradation on Agricultural Production: A Multi-Disciplinery Approach
Drost, H., Mahaney, W. C., Bezada, M., Kalm, V.
Mountain Research and Development
Aasta: 1999 | Köide: 19 | Leheküljed: 68-70 | artikkel ajakirjas
Kui jää võimutses
Kalm, V.
Aasta: 1999 | Leheküljed: 54-57 | artikkel ajakirjas
Quantification of SEM microtextures useful in sedimentary environmental discrimination
Mahaney, W. C., Stewart, A., Kalm, V.
Aasta: 2001 | Köide: 30 | Leheküljed: 165-171 | artikkel ajakirjas
Granulometric differentiation of the quaternary gravelly and sandy deposits in the Baltic area and Northern Byelorussia
Jurgaitis, A., Juozapavicius, G., Klepikov, V., Kalm, V.
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология
Aasta: 1980 | Köide: 29 | Leheküljed: 24-33 | artikkel ajakirjas
Lämmijärve põhjasetete levik ja iseloomustus [Diplomitöö. Juhendaja: E. Lõokene]
Kalm, V.
Aasta: 1976 | Leheküljed: 1-40 | diplomitöö / bakalaureusetöö
The Traversette (Italia) rockfall: geomorfological indicator of the Hannibalic invasion route
Mahaney, W. C., Kapran, B., Kalm, V., Tricart, P., Carcaillet, C., Blarquez, O., Milner, M. W., Barendregt, R. W., Somelar, P.
Aasta: 2010 | Leheküljed: 156-172 | artikkel ajakirjas
The Traversette (Italia) rockfall: model for Late Glacial/Neoglacial rock instability
Mahaney, W. C., Kapran, B., Kalm, V., Tricart, P., Carcaillet, C., Blarquez, O., Milner, M., Barendregt, R., Somelar, P.
Abstracts book: 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Alghero, September 20-23, 2009
Aasta: 2009 | Leheküljed: 585-585 | abstrakt
Textural variability of the selected coversand deposits in Latvia - preliminary results
Kalińska, E., Kalm, V., Nartišs, M., Celiņš, I., Gorlach, A.
"Geomorphology and Palaeogeography of Polar Regions": Proceedings of the Joint Conference "Geomorphology and Quaternary Palaeogeography of Polar Regions", Symposium "Leopoldina" and the INQUA Peribaltic working group Workshop. Saint-Petersburg, SPbSU, 9-17 September 2012
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 423-425 | abstrakt
Climatic signature of coversand deposits distributed on glaciolacustrine basins in Estonia and Poland - a comparative analysis
Kalińska, E., Kalm, V., Gorlach, A., Lasberg, K.
"Geomorphology and Palaeogeography of Polar Regions": Proceedings of the Joint Conference "Geomorphology and Quaternary Palaeogeography of Polar Regions", Symposium "Leopoldina" and the INQUA Peribaltic working group Workshop. Saint-Petersburg, SPbSU, 9-17 September 2012
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 421-423 | abstrakt
Modeling of ice-dammed lakes and water network transformation in deglaciation time of the last Scandinavian ice-sheet in Valday region
Gorlach, A., Kalm, V.
"Geomorphology and Palaeogeography of Polar Regions": Proceedings of the Joint Conference "Geomorphology and Quaternary Palaeogeography of Polar Regions", Symposium "Leopoldina" and the INQUA Peribaltic working group Workshop. Saint-Petersburg, SPbSU, 9-17 September 2012
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 417-418 | abstrakt
Onset of Late Weichselian Glaciation on the western part of Russian Plain
Lasberg, K., Kalm, V.
Late Pleistocene Glacigenic Deposits from the Central Part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet to Younger Dryas End Moraine Zone. Excursion guide and abstracts. INQUA Peribaltic Working Group Meeting and Excursion Northern Finland, 12-17 June 2011
Aasta: 2011 | Leheküljed: 115-115 | abstrakt
Late Weichselian Glaciation on East European Platform: Ice-flow Pattern Compared with Geothermal Heat Flow Density and Bedrock Water Properties
Kalm, V., Gorlach, A.
Late Pleistocene Glacigenic Deposits from the Central Part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet to Younger Dryas End Moraine Zone. Excursion guide and abstracts. INQUA Peribaltic Working Group Meeting and Excursion Northern Finland, 12-17 June 2011
Aasta: 2011 | Leheküljed: 100-101 | abstrakt
2005. aasta Sauga maalihe ja selle põhjused
Kohv, M., Hang, T., Kalm, V., Talviste, P.
XIII Eesti Geotehnika Konverents. Tallinn, 10.-11. jaanuar 2008. Artiklid
Aasta: 2008 | Leheküljed: 30-37 | artikkel kogumikus
Slope failure in glaciolacustrine clay: Sauga landslide, Western Estonia
Kohv, M., Hang, T., Kalm, V.
Book of abstracts: IAG regional confrence on geomorphology. Landslides, floods and global environmental change in mountain regions; Romania; 15-26.09.2008
Aasta: 2008 | Leheküljed: 54-54 | abstrakt
Mõtteid Eesti geoloogide rahvuslikest ülesannetest ja rahvusvahelistest kohustustest paemehe pilgu läbi
Kalm, V.
Vasaraga tähtede poole. Schola Geologica II
Aasta: 2006 | Leheküljed: 57-65 | artikkel kogumikus
Human induced groundwater level fluctuations in Quaternary deposits of Tartu old city
Karro, E., Kalm, V., Eensaar, J.
23rd Nordic Hydrological Conference; Tallinn, Estonia; 08.-12.08.2004. Fresh Water Resources Management
Aasta: 2004 | Leheküljed: 336-441 | artikkel kogumikus
The Last Glacial Maximum extent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in the Valday Heights, western Russia: Evidence from cosmogenic surface exposure dating using 10Be
Rinterknecht, V., Hang, T., Gorlach, A., Kohv, M., Kalla, K., Kalm, V., Subetto, D., Bourlès, D., Léanni, L., Guillou, V.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 200 | Leheküljed: 106-113 | artikkel ajakirjas
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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