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Sarkar et al., 2016a

Microbial mat-related structures shared by both siliciclastic and carbonate formations

Sarkar, S., Choudhuri, A., Mandal, S., Eriksson, P. G.
AjakiriJournal of Palaeogeography
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Microbiota has always been the dominant life form, records of which are preserved in delicate forms within siliciclastic rocks. More pronounced record in the form of stromatolites possibly obscured the fact that many of the same delicate structures may be recognizable within carbonate rocks too. The Neoproterozoic Bhander Limestone in central India bears many such structures that are quintessentially similar to microbial mat-related structures reported from the Paleoproterozoic Chorhat Sandstone preserved within the same, Vindhyan Basin. Extensive microscopic, ultramicroscopic, and geochemical studies address the apprehension that such bedding plane structures in carbonate rocks could be merely weathering products. Trapping, binding and stabilitization of sediment by microbial mats are all evident. Preferred pyritization along the inferred, predefined microbial mats confirmed on the basis of EPMA (Electron Probe Microanalysis) results, and the enhanced carbon content along these mats layers and within suspected mat chips associated with them, are revealing. Raman spectroscopy, indeed, evinces enhanced kerogen content within both mats and mat chips. Interestingly, these microbial mat layers are recognized selectively within the lower of the two tiers of the Bhander Limestone. The lagoonal carbonate of the lower tier of the Bhander Limestone is muddy and contains a substantial proportion of silt-sized quartz grains that possibly impeded stromatolite growth. Stromatolites abound in the wave agitated upper tier of the Bhander Limestone which is dominated by oosparite. This paper provides evidence that the delicate microbial mat-related structures reported so far only from siliciclastic rocks can also be recognized within carbonate formations, and hopes to stimulate the search for additional such features, more preferably within carbonates originated in shallow and quiet water.

Viimati muudetud: 15.10.2023
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