Tagasi otsingusse
Kesidis et al., 2019

An intermittent mode of formation for the trace fossil Cruziana as a serial repetition of Rusophycus: the case of Cruziana tenella ( Linnarsson)

Kesidis, G., Budd, G. E., Jensen, S.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Cruziana is one of the most recognizable trace fossils ascribed to arthropods. It ranges throughout the Phanerozoic and encompasses a diverse set of morphologies. The distinct features of Cruziana have incited fierce debate regarding its mode of formation. Here, we discuss critical aspects of trace fossil formation, namely epibenthic versus endobenthic origin and the ethology of the producer. Cruziana has largely been interpreted as a continuous ploughing trace fossil. It has been suggested, however, that at least some Cruziana could be structures resulting from the concatenation of Rusophycus‐type elements, although this claim remains unexplored. Cruziana tenella from the lower Cambrian of south‐central Sweden illustrates this intermittent mode of formation with a series of Rusophycus eutendorfensis leading into vertically undulating Cruziana that, at end stages of development, reflect a relatively equal depth distribution throughout the trace fossil and a great number of intergrading morphologies. In this study, a morphological evaluation of the intergrading morphologies of Cruziana tenella and Rusophycus eutendorfensis and a short morphometric analysis of the elements comprising Cruziana tenella suggests that at least in some cases Cruziana could be formed in intervals, as the serial overlap of distinct shallow Rusophycus could produce an apparently continuous cruzianaeform morphology. A comparison with possible evidence of intermittent formation on Cruziana semiplicata is made to illustrate the possibility of extending this mode of formation to larger Cruziana. An argument for the rise in the early Cambrian of a primitively intermittent mode of formation is made on the basis of energy efficiency

Viimati muudetud: 10.6.2023
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