Tagasi otsingusse
Berkowski & Zapalski, 2018

Large dwellers of the Silurian Halysites biostrome: rhizosessile life strategies of cystiphyllid rugose corals from the Llandovery of Gotland

Berkowski, B., Zapalski, M. K.
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An exceptionally well‐preserved, unusual biostrome composed of the framebuilding cateniform tabulate coral Halysites catenularius (Linnaeus, 1767) bears an assemblage of the relatively large solitary cystiphyllid rugosan Cystiphyllum visbyense Wedekind, 1927. The corallites of solitary cystiphyllids are embedded within the ranks of the halysitid colonies, which developed on a soft, muddy substrate and in relatively turbid water. The cystiphyllid larvae successively settled mostly on the ranks of halysitid colonies and on colonies of the tiny phaceloid rugose coral Nanophyllum ramosum Johannessen, 1995, whereas calice‐in‐calice recruitment was not successful for these cystiphyllid corals. Further growth of C. visbyense was supported by rhizoid structures, which were most frequently developed on the cardinal (convex) side of the corallite. The process of formation of the rhizoid structures is here discussed and explained in detail, showing that they were formed by the extension of the basal ectodermal tissue of the polyp. The cystiphyllids, which settled on the walls of living corallites of halysitid colonies, used sweeper tentacles to kill the smaller polyps of the colony to maintain the space around them and expand. Hence, they ultimately used the halysitid colonies only as a hard substrate to stabilize their position on the soft muddy sediment.

Viimati muudetud: 9.7.2020
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