Tagasi otsingusse
Hanken & Størmer, 1975

The trail of a large Silurian eurypterid

Hanken, N.-M., Størmer, L.
RaamatEvolution and morphology of the Trilobita, Trilobitoidea and Merostornata. Proceedings of the Oslo Meeting, 1973
Toimetaja(d)Martinsson, A.
AjakiriFossils and Strata
Leheküljed 255-270
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Upper Silurian red beds of Ringerike, Norway, have yielded a well presrerved trail which probably belongs to the large eurypterid Mixopterus kiaeri, known from equivalent beds in the same area. Life-size models both of the eurypterid and of its trail have been prepared in order to study the functions of the appendages, particularly in relation to the animal's gait.

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