Tagasi otsingusse
Martinuš et al., 2012

Discontinuity surfaces recorded in shallow-marine platform carbonates: an example from the Early Jurassic of the Velebit Mt. (Croatia)

Martinuš, M., Bucković, D., Kukoč, D.
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Discontinuity surfaces of different types and scales are common in successions of shallow-marine carbonate platforms because sediments there are deposited close to the sea level and therefore are sensitive to any significant physico-chemical changes of environmental factors. Discontinuity surfaces indicate breaks in sedimentation under subaqueous or subaerial conditions. Most discontinuities in shallow-marine carbonate successions are on a bed-scale, and can be determined only by analysis of sedimentologic, diagenetic, taphonomic, and ichnologic features of the rock. The study of small-scale discontinuities has been carried out on two Lower Jurassic successions of the Velebit Mt. Depending upon their common features and environment of formation, three groups of discontinuities are distinguished on simple bedding planes: subaerial exposure surfaces, erosion surfaces, and omission surfaces. The distribution of discontinuity types in both successions is evaluated. Exposure surfaces prevail in both sections, and four units (relatively thin intervals of the sedimentary record) with abundant subaerial exposures are recognized. Dated by biostratigraphy, these units are of earliest Sinemurian, middle Early Sinemurian, earliest Pliensbachian, and late Early Pliensbachian age. Omission surfaces are the least common type of discontinuity. Thickness variations of high-frequency peritidal and shallow subtidal shallowing-upward cycles, highlighted by the Fischer plots show a very similar long-term trend for the two sections. The units with common subaerial exposure surfaces coincide with the falling limb of the Fischer plots and the section with common omission surfaces coincides with the rising limb of the plots. The studied discontinuities are formed by autocyclic and/or allocyclic processes operating on the shallow platform, but the units with abundant subaerial exposures invoke allogenic forcing of the sedimentary record. The use of the units with abundant discontinuities instead of a single surface has proven useful for the correlation of the studied shallow-platform deposits because one type of discontinuity may change laterally into another type or features of different discontinuity types can be superimposed.

Viimati muudetud: 19.12.2019
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