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Goldring & Pollard, 1995

A re-evaluation of Ophiomorpha burrows in the Wealden Group (Lower Cretaceous) of southern England

Goldring, F., Pollard, J. E.
KirjastusElsevier BV
AjakiriCretaceous Research
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Attribution of burrows in the Wealden Group of southern England to Ophiomorpha is rejected. The burrows are essentially cylindrical, unlined and with a meniscate fill. Any outer knobbly appearance is due to diagenetic poikilotopic cementation or to differential weathering of a mudchip-sand fill. The variable nature of meniscate fill reflects passage of the producer through the thin-bedded, alternating sand-mud sediments or along sand-mud interfaces. The burrows are assigned to Beaconites, though, since the identity of this ichnotaxon has been questioned, reference is also made to Taenidium. Two ichnoassociations are recognized: (1) a Beaconites antarcticus-Scoyenia (or Taenidium-Scoyenia) association (Weald Clay) of marginal lacustrine situation with fluvial input, and (2) a Beaconites barretti-Planolites (or Taenidium-Planolites ) association of the fluvial (lacustrine delta) of the Lee Ness Sandstone (Ashdown Formation). The Wealden burrows offer no inherent indications of palaeosalinity, and inferences made on supposed occurrences of Ophiomorpha in the Wealden Group must be reassessed. Other occurrences of Ophiomorpha in non-marine facies are questioned.

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