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Gámez Vintaned et al., 2006

Trace and soft body fossils from the Pedroche Formation (Ovetian, Lower Cambrian of the Sierra de Córdoba, S Spain) and their relation to the Pedroche event

Gámez Vinatned, J.A., Liñán, E., Mayoral, E., Dies, M.E. Gozalo, R., Muñiz, F.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The low Lower Cambrian rocks from the Sierra de Córdoba contain one of the best successions in Europe, which consists of well exposed mixed facies with abundant fossil assemblages showing long stratigraphical ranges throughout the Pedroche Formation. These assemblages include diverse Ovetian archaeocyaths, trilobites, small shelly fossils, calcimicrobes, trace fossils and stromatolites. Trace fossils are still poorly known, and thus they are the main objective of this work. Ichnological data are obtained from the Arroyo de Pedroche 1, Arroyo de Pedroche 2 and Puente de Hierro sections. Trace fossils include the ichnogenera Bergaueria, aff. Bilinichnus, Cochlichnus, aff. Cosmorhaphe?, Cylindrichnus, Dactyloidites, Dimorphichnus, Diplichnites, Monocraterion, Palaeophycus, aff. Phycodes, Planolites, Psammichnites, Rusophycus, Skolithos, Torrowangea and Treptichnus, as well as faecal pellets, meniscate trace fossils and others. They are abundant in shales and sandstones, and indicate important changes in the benthic conditions with respect to the underlying Torreárboles Formation. Changes in fossil assemblages within Member I of the Pedroche Formation indicate palaeoecological disruptions, which led to the disappearance of numerous archaeocyath species and the decrease of stromatolite biodiversity. This was followed by dominance of trilobite and brachiopod assemblages, accompanied by trace fossils of the Psammichnites ichnosp. A ichnoassociation. This biotic turnover (Pedroche event) occurred at the lower part of the archaeocyath Zone III, within the Bigotina bivallata biozone. The diagnoses of the ichnospecies Cochlichnus anguineus and Dactyloidites cabanasi are emended.

Viimati muudetud: 24.6.2023
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