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Kröger & Rasmussen, 2014

Middle Ordovician cephalopod biofacies and palaeoenvironments of Baltoscandia

Kröger, B., Rasmussen, J. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


During the Middle Ordovician cephalopods became an important part of the macrofauna of the Baltoscandian carbonate platform. The earliest cephalopod abundance peak was reached during the early Darriwilian, within the Kunda Stage Yangtzeplacognathus crassus and Lenodus pseudoplanus conodont zones. In sediments of this time interval large orthoconic cephalopods often occur in masses with more than one specimen per square-meter on bedding surfaces. The assemblages are characterized by the strong dominance of often large endocerids. In proximal depositional settings coiled tarphycerids and other cephalopod groups are an important additional component. In the most distal settings orthocerids are the most important secondary component. Correspondence Analysis of assemblages throughout Baltoscandia revealed three distinct biofacies, which here are termed Orthocerid, Proterovaginoceras and Anthoceras Biofacies, respectively. The biofacies reflect differences in depth and proximity to the shoreline and are consistent with the Baltoscandian Confacies Belts. Spatial changes in absolute abundance and taxonomic composition indicate increased original cephalopod population densities and habitat expansion within the Y. crassus and L. pseudoplanus conodont zones. A nearly coeval abundance peak in a similar facies in South China indicates supraregional causes of the mass occurrence, probably reflecting a globally increased nutrient availability in the water column during the Darriwilian.

Viimati muudetud: 26.2.2023
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