Tagasi otsingusse
Emig, 2002

Tools for linguloid taxonomy: the genus Obolus (Brachiopoda) as an example

Emig, C. C.
AjakiriCarnets de Géologie
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This study points out some basic problems of linguloid systematics and proposes solutions for them. A taxonomic examination of the unique species of the genus Obolus found in the Upper Cambrian of Estonia and Russia, O. apollinis (= O. ruchini, O. transversus, O. rebrovi and Ungula convexa) is used as an example of a methodology employing all of the characters valid for distinguishing species of both extant and fossil Lingulidae. These characters are: - umbonal region; - body musculature; - septa or ridges; - main mantle canals - as established and figured by EMIG (1982, 1983) and BIERNAT and EMIG (1993). All of them have been determined to be taxonomically stable and have been studied and compared to take into account intraspecific variability; they should be used to describe or to redescribe any taxon of the superfamily Linguloidea. Characters of the shell and valves, such as shape, size, and dimensional ratios have no taxonomic value.

Viimati muudetud: 12.3.2023
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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