Tagasi otsingusse
Desai & Saklani, 2015

Palaeocommunity Dynamics and Behavioral Analysis of Conichnus: Bhuj Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Kachchh-India

Desai, B. G., Saklani, R. D.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A palaeocommunity of large Conichnus conicus, a conical, cone-in-cone shaped burrow, created by sea anemones, occurs in medium-grained, crossbedded, well-sorted sandstone in the middle part of the Cretaceous Guneri Member of the Bhuj Formation in India. The trace fossil Conichnus is considered to be a common element of the Skolithos ichnofacies and is interpreted to reflect equilibrium movement in response to substrate aggradation. In the present study, three different varieties of Conichnus conicus are distinguished based on morphology and internal fabric. Community dynamics and burrowing behavior are revealed by inter-burrow relationships, burrow initiation levels and sedimentology. Three types of behavior are envisaged: retrusive equilibrium, protrusive equilibrium response, and escape behavior. Palaeocommunity dynamics show that the tracemakers consisted of only adult organisms that initiated burrows during neap tides and are adapted to feed effectively during weak flow conditions. The occurrence of Conichnus palaeocommunity in the Guneri Member indicates the tidal conditions in a fully marine setting. Results presented herein may aid in the understanding of palaeocommunity dynamics in other shallow marine sequences.

Viimati muudetud: 20.12.2023
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