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Kiipli et al., 2015

Upper Katian (Ordovician) bentonites in the East Baltic, Scandinavia and Scotland: geochemical correlation and volcanic source interpretation

Kiipli, T., Dahlqvist, P., Kallaste, T., Kiipli, E., Nõlvak, J.
AjakiriGeological Magazine
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Altered volcanic ash interbeds (bentonites) in the upper Katian of Baltoscandia indicate significant volcanic activity in neighbouring tectonically active areas. Katian bentonites in the East Baltic can be reliably correlated using sanidine phenocryst composition. Ratios of immobile trace elements TiO2, Nb, Zr and Th to Al2O3 enable extension of the correlations to Scandinavia, where late diagenetic alterations could have caused recrystallization of sanidine phenocrysts. At least seven volcanic eruptions were recognized in Baltoscandian sections. Several bentonites found in deep-sea sediments are absent in shallow-sea sediments, indicating extensive breaks in sedimentation and erosion during late Katian and Hirnantian times. The areal distribution pattern of Katian bentonites in Baltoscandia indicates a volcanic source from the north or northwest (present-day orientation) from the margins of the Iapetus Palaeo-Ocean. Signatures of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism in the Seve Nappe (Central Sweden) and intrusions in the Helgeland Nappe Complex in Central Norway have been proposed as potential sources of the magmas that generated the volcanic ashes deposited in the East Baltic in Katian times. Geochemical similarities between Baltoscandian and Dob's Linn bentonites from southern Scotland suggest a common volcanic source in Katian times.


submitted 06.2014, available online 10.2014
Viimati muudetud: 11.11.2020
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