Tagasi otsingusse
Johannes et al., 2006

Evaluation of oil potential of Estonian shales and biomass samples using Rock-Eval analyzer

Johannes, I., Kruusement, K., Palu, V., Veski, R.
AjakiriOil Shale
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A possibility for evaluation of oil potential of two Estonian shales and six biomass samples by Rock-Eval data is described. The amount of hydrocarbons volatilized from thermo-labile ingredients of the samples at 300 0 C (S1) is found to increase from 1.1 to 66.3 mg/g in the row: Dictyonema < kukersite < peat < pine sawdust < pine bark < willow < reed ≈ spruce branches. The total oil potential by pyrolysis at 300–650 0 C (S1+S2) increases from 47.4 to 367 mg/g in the row: Dictyonema < peat < reed < pine bark < willow energy crop < spruce needles < pine sawdust < kukersite. An increase in oxygen index decreases the temperature at the pyrolysis maximum rate and S2 but increases S1 of the samples according to relationships approximated to linear regressions.A possibility for evaluation of oil potential of two Estonian shales and six biomass samples by Rock-Eval data is described. The amount of hydrocarbons volatilized from thermo-labile ingredients of the samples at 300 0 C (S1) is found to increase from 1.1 to 66.3 mg/g in the row: Dictyonema < kukersite < peat < pine sawdust < pine bark < willow < reed ≈ spruce branches. The total oil potential by pyrolysis at 300–650 0 C (S1+S2) increases from 47.4 to 367 mg/g in the row: Dictyonema < peat < reed < pine bark < willow energy crop < spruce needles < pine sawdust < kukersite. An increase in oxygen index decreases the temperature at the pyrolysis maximum rate and S2 but increases S1 of the samples according to relationships approximated to linear regressions.

Viimati muudetud: 15.5.2020
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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