Tagasi otsingusse
Shogenova et al., 2009d

Possibilities for geological storage and mineral trapping of industrial CO2 emissions in the Baltic region

Shogenova, A., Šliaupa, S., Shogenov, K., Šliaupiene, R., Pomeranceva, R., Vaher, R., Uibu, M., Kuusik, R.
AjakiriEnergy Procedia
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Industrial CO2 emissions and possibilities for geological storage of CO2 in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were studied within the framework of EU GEOCAPACITY and CO2NET EAST projects supported by European Commission Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). Twenty-two large industrial sources produced 14.5 Mt of CO2 in Estonia, 1.9 Mt in Latvia and 4.8 Mt in Lithuania in 2007. The two greatest Estonian power stations, using oil-shale, produced 9.4 and 2.7 Mt of CO2. The Baltic States are located within the Baltic sedimentary basin, the thickness of which varies from 100 m in NE Estonia up to 1900 m in SW Latvia and 2300 m in western Lithuania. The most prospective formation for the geological storage of CO2 is the Cambrian reservoir, with an estimated potential of 300 Mt of CO2 in 15 large structures located in Latvia. Geological conditions are unfavourable for CO2 storage in Estonia, while mineral trapping with watered oil shale ash can bind up to 10–12% of CO2 emissions produced by the above-mentioned two large stationary sources. In Lithuania the capacity of CO2 storage in Cambrian and Devonian structures as well as in oil fields is negligible, but solubility and mineral trapping, including carbonation of the serpentinites hosting rich iron deposits can sink up to 18.6 Gt of CO2.

Viimati muudetud: 23.9.2020
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