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El-Hedeny, 2007b

Ichnology of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Campanian) sequence of western Sinai, Egypt

El-Hedeny, M.
AjakiriEgyptian Journal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian - Campanian) sequence of western Sinai, Egypt contains relatively abundant and moderately diverse ichnotaxa that are described herein. The recorded ichnofauna represents domichnial, praedichnial and fixichnial structures. The sequence includes Caulostrepsis spiralis Pickerill et al., 2001; C. cretacea (Voigt, 1971); Entobia ovula Bromley and D’Alessandro, 1984; E. cretacea Portlock, 1843; E. isp., Gastrochaenolites torpedo Kelly and Bromley, 1984; Gastrochaenolites isp., Talpina ramosa von Hagenow, 1840; Maeandropolydora decipiens Voigt, 1965; M. sulcans Voigt, 1965; M. cf. elegans Bromley and D'Alessandro, 1983; Oichnus paraboloides Bromley, 1981; O. excavatus Donovan and Jagt, 2002; Rogerella pattei Saint-Seine, 1954; Trypanites weisei Mägdefrau, 1932 and Renichnus arcuatus Mayoral, 1987. Nearly all these ichnotaxa are formally documented for the first time in Egypt. C. spiralis found in the Upper Cenomanian, represents the oldest record of this ichnotaxon. In addition, the occurrence of Renichnus arcuatus in the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Coniacian) of Egypt could extend the stratigraphic range of this ichnotaxon from the Maastrichtian, down to the Middle Coniacian, and expands its known geographic distribution, during this period, from southern and central Europe (Spain, Greece and Netherlands) to North Africa (Egypt). Paleoecologically, the studied ichnofossils characterize the shallower marine biofacies in the Cenomanian – Campanian of Sinai and reflect the principal shallowing events during this period in that region

Viimati muudetud: 12.6.2022
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