Tagasi otsingusse
Kapanen et al., 2007

The Roles of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors of Ecological State in the Lake Peipsi

Kapanen, G., Blinova, I., Punning, J-M., Kangur, K.
AjakiriProceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
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In this paper we discuss the problems of the long-term management policy of Lake Peipsi and the roles of natural and anthropogenic factors in the ecological state of the lake. The reduction of the pollution during the last 15 years could not give significant changes of the chemical composition of the water, what implicates the essential role that natural factors have on the ecological state of lake. One of the most important factors having impact on the hydrochemical cycles and ecological state is the hydrological regime which is clearly expressed in L. Peipsi. The absence on clear interrelations of climate cycles and nutrients suggest that complex abiotic and biotic interactions, which take place in the lake ecosystem, plays a significant role in the matter circulation mechanism within lake.

Viimati muudetud: 7.4.2020
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