Tagasi otsingusse
Pickerill & Keppie, 1981

Observations on the ichnology of the Meguma Group (? CambroOrdovician) of Nova Scotia

Pickerill, R. K., Keppie, J. D.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The trace fossils Arenicolites variabalis, Circulichnis montanus and Paleodictyon (Glenodictyum) af. imperfectum from the ?Cambro-Ordovician Meguma Group of Nova Scotia are described in detail.The  of the occurrence of each of these ichnospecies is also noted. The environmental and stratigraphic ranges of A. variabalis are extended respectively to 'deep water' and the Ordovician; the stratigraphic range of C. montanus is extended to the Ordovician and its presence in the Meguma Group to date represents the first and only recording of the species in the western hemisphere; P. af. imperfeatum provides additional evidence that at least part of the Goldenville Formation is Ordovician.

Viimati muudetud: 26.9.2022
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