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Vinn & Gutiérez-Marco, 2016

New Late Ordovician cornulitids from Peru

Vinn, O., Gutiérez-Marco, J.
AjakiriBulletin of Geosciences
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Two new species of cornulitids, Cornulites zatoni sp. nov. and Cornulites vilcae sp. nov., are described from the lower part (Sandbian) of the Calapuja Formation of south-western Peru. Late Ordovician cornulitid diversities of Peru (Gondwana) and Estonia (Baltica) are similar. Aggregative growth form dominates among the cornulitids of the Sandbian of Peru. Multiple oriented C. zatoni sp. nov. specimens on a strophomenid brachiopod likely represent a syn vivo encrustation. Cornulitids from the Sandbian of Peru differ from those known from the Sandbian of Baltica. C. zatoni sp. nov. possibly also occurs in the Late Ordovician of Laurentia.

Viimati muudetud: 21.7.2023
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