Tagasi otsingusse
Zamora et al., 2008

The infaunal echinoid Micraster: Taphonomic pathways indicated by sclerozoan trace and body fossils from the Upper Cretaceous of northern Spain

Zamora, S., Mayoral, E., Vintaned, J. A. G., Bajo, S., Espílez, E.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Micraster echinoid fossils are common in the Upper Cretaceous Olazagutía Formation of northern Spain. Tests frequently record sclerobiont signatures (including bioerosion and encrustation), left by reaction and/or coaction phenomena. Among bioerosion structures, Oichnus simplex, O. paraboloides, O. ichnosp. A, Trypanites solitarius, Rogerella ichnosp. indet., Centrichnus cf. eccentricus, Maeandropolydora ichnosp. indet. and fungal microborings are found, as well as pits and fractures. As for sclerozoan body fossils, bivalves (Dimyidae, Anomiidae, Plicatulidae and other Pectinacea), polychaete annelids (serpulids and spirorbids), lituolid foraminiferans (Haddoniidae and Coscinophragmatidae) and bryozoans (cheilostomate ones and others undetermined), as well as other less common groups, have been identified. Taphonomic paths followed by Micraster tests are analysed, based on conservation state and degree of colonisation and sedimentary filling. This allows to distinguish between accumulated fossils and non accumulated ones (including resedimented and reelaborated ones).

Viimati muudetud: 18.9.2023
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