Tagasi otsingusse
Nieto et al., 2018

An integrated analysis (microfacies and ichnology) of a shallow carbonate-platform succession: upper Aptian, Lower Cretaceous, Betic Cordillera

Nieto, L. M., Reolid, M., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. J., Castro, J. M., Molina, J. M., Ruiz-Ortiz, P. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Four lithofacies and 12 microfacies types recognized in an upper Aptian section in the Sierra de Bedmar-Jódar (Prebetic of Jaén) represent shallow lagoonal environments (marl and marly limestone) and sand bars that delimited the lagoon. The lagoonal facies reflect subtidal restricted water circulation with low energy. The sand bar facies (intertidal environment) have upper surfaces that show the effects of supratidal and subaerial conditions. The presence of early fractures in particular lithofacies shows the importance of local synsedimentary tectonics during sedimentation. Thalassinoides, ?Arenicolites, Diplocraterion, Circolites, Gastrochaenolites and Trypanites are recorded in different beds of this section, reflecting various states of substrate consistency, in the form of firmground, hardground, and rockground. Whereas firmground conditions were dominant in the lower part of the section, hardgrounds and rockgrounds are mainly present in the upper part of the section. Four types of shallowing-upward elementary sequence are recognized. All the sequences show at the base mudstone or wackestone microfacies representing a lagoonal environment, overlain by sand-bar grain-pack-stone facies corresponding to a bar bounding the lagoon. The factors that controlled their development were carbonate production and tectonic movements.

Viimati muudetud: 25.2.2022
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