Tagasi otsingusse
Kärblane et al., 1984

About the possibility of rational use of phosphate rock of Maardu deposit

Kärblane, H., Koch, R., Kirret, O.
Pealkiri originaalО возможности рационального использования фосфоритного сырья Маардуского месторождения
AjakiriProceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Biology
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The article gives a short survey of the output, beneficiation and production of phosphate concentrate meal on the basis of the Obolus phosphorite deposit of Maardu. It is shown that the fertilization effect of phosphate concentrate meal is very low, making up only 1/10 of the corresponding effect of superphosphate with an equal P2O5 content. It is also shown that the total recovery of P2O5 after the output and beneficiation of the Maardu phosphate rock is approximately equal to 44.8%, which, assimilation of P2O5 after an insignificant 4.5% with respect to the P2O5 phosphate concentrate meal by plants, is reduced to ca. 5 in the exploited mine, while the rest of P2O5 is lost. Some recommendations are given for the regulation of the total recovery of P2O5 and assimilation of P2O5 by plants.

Viimati muudetud: 11.11.2020
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