Tagasi otsingusse
Zessin & Puttkamer, 1994

Melanostrophus fokini Öpik (Graptolithina, Stolonoidea) - fund einer vollständingen Kolonie in einem ordovizischen Geschiebe von Rendsberg, Schleswig-Holstein

Zessin, W., Puttkamer, K.
AjakiriArchiv für Geschiebekunde
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Six new specimen of Melanostrophus fokini ÖPIK from geschiebes of Schleswig-Holstein are described and figured. The genus is assigned to the new family Melanostrophidae on the basis of its special construction of the colony and the presumed special plantonic/benthic mode of life. The new genus Stolonofolliculus is established for Melanostrophus signum due to profound differences in the separation of the stolones and because of the sessile mode of life.

Viimati muudetud: 31.1.2020
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