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Bhosle et al., 2019

First Report: Trace Fossil Assemblage Ptychoplasma (P. excelsum, P. vagans), Dendroidichnites (D. irregulare), Ctenopholeus (?C. kutcheri) and Bergaueria (B. hemispherica) in the Cretaceous Rocks of Bagh Formation, Mainland Gujarat, India

Bhosle, B., Johnson, C., Vaghela, S., Schultz, D. J., Dholakia, V.
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This report documents the discovery of repichnia trace fossils Ptychoplasma (P. excelsum and P. vagans) and Dendroidichnites (D. irregulare); the fodichnia traces ?Ctenopholeus (?C. kutcheri) and cubichnia traces Bergaueria (B. hemishperica) from silty limestones of the Cretaceous Bagh Formation. These trace fossils have significant implications for the depositional facies and the paleo-environmental interpretations of the Bagh Formation, which have long been debated. Previously identified traces of Protovirgularia were also found in association with the newly discovered trace fossils, indicating the coexistence of both wedge and cleft-foot bivalves. The western area of the mainland Gujarat is known for its abundance and diversity of trace fossils. The trace fossil bearing Cretaceous rocks in the region occur as thin irregular detached patches and linear outcrops. Previous studies documenting trace fossil assemblages from the Bagh Formation characterised them as a combination of dwelling, feeding and locomotion forms, with the stratigraphic unit becoming less fossiliferous westward. Trace fossils in this formation have been studied and described by many workers in the surrounding areas; however, ichnofossils described in this study are new to the Bagh Formation in this area. These trace fossils were observed on recently exposed outcrops along road cuts associated with new road construction from Khasra to Mogra village around Kadipani in Mainland Gujarat.

Viimati muudetud: 24.6.2023
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