Tagasi otsingusse
Ivarsson et al., 2016

The igneous oceanic crust – Earth's largest fungal habitat?

Ivarsson, M., Bengtson, S., Neubeck, A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In recent years the igneous oceanic crust has been recognized as a substantial microbial habitat and a scientific frontier within Geology, Biology, and Oceanography. A few successful metagenomic investigations have indicated the presence of Archaea and Bacteria, but also fungi in the subseafloor igneous crust. A comprehensive fossil record supports the presence of fungi in these deep environments and provides means of investigating the fungal presence that complements metagenomic methods. Considering the vast volume of the oceanic crust and that it is the largest aquifer on Earth, we put forward that it is the largest fungal habitat on the planet. This review aims to introduce a yet unexplored fungal habitat in an environment considered extreme from a biological perspective. We present the current knowledge of fungal abundance and diversity and discuss the ecological role of fungi in the igneous oceanic crust.

Viimati muudetud: 14.10.2019
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