Tagasi otsingusse
Akpan, 1990

Bioerosion of oyster shells in brackish modern mangrove swamps, Nigeria

Akpan, E. B.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Studies on shells of the intertidal oyster Crassostrea tulipa cemented to aerial prop roots and stems of the mangroves Rhizophora racemosa, R. harrisonii, and R. mangle from the Cross River and Qua Iboe River estuaries show that photosynthetic en‐dolithic cyanobacteria (blue‐greens) are the major bioerosional agent, affecting about 94% of the shells examined. Pblychaetes attacked less than 10% of these materials and thus have low bioerosional impact.Herbivorous gastropods play a secondary role because, by grazing, they clear the shell surface of encrusting cyanobacteria and thus enhance the activity of boring forms. Where epilithic cyanobacteria have been removed, the gastropods sometimes leave faint grazing traces of low fossilization potential. Microfloral boring activity is high at all stations, but the assemblage is of markedly low diversity compared with those of littoral and shallow sublittoral marine communities and may thus be useful as a paleoenvironmental tool. Bioerosional agents are directly or indirectly responsible for the disintegration of oyster shells, whose fragments are incorporated in muddy intertidal sediments.

Viimati muudetud: 7.10.2019
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