Tagasi otsingusse
Ivantsov et al., 2019b

Traces of Locomotion of Ediacaran Macroorganisms

Ivantsov, A., Nagovitsyn, A., Zakrevskaya, M.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


We describe traces of macroorganisms in association with the body imprints of trace-producers from Ediacaran (Vendian) deposits of the southeastern White Sea region. They are interpreted as traces of locomotion and are not directly related to a food gathering. The complex remains belong to three species: Kimberella quadrata, Dickinsonia cf. menneri, and Tribrachidium heraldicum. They were found in three different burials. The traces have the form of narrow ridges or wide bands (grooves and linear depressions on natural imprints). In elongated Kimberella and Dickinsonia, the traces are stretched parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body and extend from its posterior end. In the case of the isometric Tribrachidium, the trace is directed away from the margin of the shield. A short length of the traces indicates that they were left by the organisms that were covered with the sediment just before their death. The traces overlaid the microbial mat with no clear signs of deformation under or around the traces. A trace substance, apparently, differed from the material of the bearing layers (i.e., a fine-grained sandstone or siltstone) and was not preserved on the imprints. This suggests that the traces were made with organic material, probably mucus, which was secreted by animals in a stressful situation. The mucus traced the movements of the organism before death. The discovered traces of locomotion are direct evidence of the ability of some Ediacaran macroorganisms to move independently

Viimati muudetud: 4.1.2022
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