Tagasi otsingusse
Abel, 1935

Vorzeitliche Lebensspuren

Abel, O.
KirjastusGustav Fischer
Kirjastuse kohtJena, Germany
LeheküljedXV, 1-644
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


EXTINCT animals are known chiefly by their fossilised bones, teeth or shells, which afford many clues to their mode of life and reproduction. There are, however, several other kinds of fossils which add to our knowledge of extinct animals as living organisms. Footprints, remains of food, coprolites, traces of disease and accident, and even remains of dwellings, are all most instructive when they are satisfactorily interpreted. These are described by Prof. 0. Abel as “Vorzeitliche Lebensspuren” in the handsome volume before us. Here they are discussed critically, with many original observations, and they are illustrated by an unrivalled series of photographs besides drawings and diagrams.


Norway traces
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