Tagasi otsingusse
Hinz-Schallreuter, 1998

Population structure, life strategies and systematics of phosphatocope ostracods from the Middle Cambrian of Bornholm

Hinz-Schallreuter, I.
AjakiriMitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Middle Cambrian Borreglrd Member of Bornholm which is the stratigraphical equivalent to the Baltoscandian Exsulans Limestone yielded a rich and comparatively diverse ostracod fauna in its upper part. It comprises eight species out of four genera. They belong to three known subfamilies that are redefined on the basis of special characters of the contact margin. An ontogenetic character unknown from typical ostracods is documented in several species: during early ontogeny the gestalt (1 : h ratio) develops constantly in becoming increasingly longer until the so-called ontogenetical turning point (OTP) from which the direction of growth focusses on carapace height. This phenomenon may be explained by changes in body morphology. The Borreglrd association represents an ecologic community type differing from other yet recorded Middle Cambrian communities in the Baltoscandic region. Apart from Vestrogothia longispinosa which is a common faunal element in Baltoscandian ostracod faunas, the yet recorded species of Bidimorpha are unknown from other Baltoscandian occurrences. Vice versa, the known species of Bidimorpha described from Swedish occurrences have not been recognized in the rich Borregird community. Similarly, Falites insula and Hesslandona abdominalis may be of local significance, too, but the respective records from contemporaneous Swedish localities are insufficient in this respect, yet. Due to specific morphological adaptations, the four genera are assumed to represent different benthic life strategies. New taxa are: Bidimorpha arator n. sp., Bidimorpha labiator n. sp., Bidimorpha sexspinosa n. sp., Falites insula n. sp., Hesslandona abdominalis n. sp., Vestrogothia herrigi n. sp. and Vestrogofhia minilaterospinata n. sp.

Viimati muudetud: 8.1.2021
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