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Fürsich et al., 1992

Hardgrounds, reworked concretion levels and condensed horizons in the Jurassic of western India: their significance for basin analysis

Fürsich, F. T., Oschmann, W., Singh, I. B., Jaitly, A. K.
AjakiriJournal of the Geological Society
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Jurassic sediments in the shallow pericratonic basins of Kachchh and Rajasthan, western India, exhibit numerous signs of reduced sedimentation, omission, erosion and in situ reworking, in combination with synsedimentary cementation. Hardgrounds developed on carbonate shoals in the Bathonian of Rajasthan, whilst reworked concretion levels are characteristic of offshore siliciclastic sediments of the Callovian of Kachchh. A prominent marker horizon, the Oxfordian Dhosa Oolite Member, occurs throughout much of the Kachchh sub-basin and is a highly condensed unit characterized by hardgrounds, intraformational cobbles, reworked concretions, stromatolitic iron crusts, iron oncoids, and shell lags. Hardgrounds, reworked concretion levels, and condensation horizons are interpreted as the preserved relicts of transgressive pulses. Such pulses were possibly controlled by eustatic rise of sea level. Of at least equal importance, however, was a tectonic control which is demonstrated by the presence of small neptunian dykes, boulder beds derived from small submarine cliffs and rapid lateral facies and thickness changes in the Dhosa Oolite Member. These indications of extensional tectonics are thought to be connected to rifting and initial sea floor spreading between Africa and India.

Viimati muudetud: 25.11.2022
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