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Trinajstic et al., 2019

A new genus of ptyctodont (Placodermi) from the Late Devonian of Baltic area

Trinajstic, K., Long, J. A., Ivanov, A. O., Mark-Kurik, E.
AjakiriPalaeontologia Electronica
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The ptyctodont fish first referred to as Chelyophorus pskovensis Obruchev, 1947from the Early Frasnian (Late Devonian) of Velikaya River, Pskov Region, Russia, isredescribed following the collection of additional materials from the contemporaneousMeeksi Mill outcrop, Estonia; Piskovichi and Snetnaya Gora outcrops, Russia and ishere referred to Meeksiella gen. nov. With the exception of an articulated skull roof, thefossils occur as three dimensionally preserved isolated plates, and this has allowedaccurate reconstruction of the dermal skeleton. A phylogenetic analysis resolvesMeeksiella pskovensis gen. et sp. nov. within a previously recovered cluster of taxawhich includes Ctenurella from Europe and Austroptyctodus from Western Australia,demonstrating global distribution of this clade during the Late Devonian.

Viimati muudetud: 4.11.2021
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